East Anglia Books

424114 - THE GERMAN U-BOAT BASE AT LORIENT, FRANCE, July 1941 to July 1942 Vol 2


By Luc Braeuer

Volume two of a four volume set.

Volume two (of a four volume series) reveals the story of the seventy-eight German U-boats that passed through the port of Lorient from July 1941 to July 1942. The book explains the major phases in the Battle of the Atlantic in which U-boats were operating and particularly the surprise attacks on merchant traffic along the American coast. It details the Allied actions against the port of Lorient and their system of defense against the German U-boat arm. Also featured are unedited reminiscences of the U-boat crews’ life ashore in Lorient during their patrol arrivals and departures. This work is illustrated with over 500 exceptional war-era photographs as well as maps and plans. A unique color section presents the remains, documents, and memories relating to the presence of the U-boats in Lorient.


Format Hardback
Pages 176
Publication Date

August 2015


547 colour and b/w images

Width (mm) 230
Height (mm) 300
Dust Jacket  


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