East Anglia Books

531116 - WARPAINT Volume 4: Colours and Markings of British Army Vehicles 1903-2003 (Green Series)

By Dick Taylor

This book, the long-awaited final volume in the series, further describes and illustrates post-WW2 British armoured camouflage and markings as follows: 1) Paint & Camouflage post-WW2; 2) Arm of Service Markings; Formation Signs. The book is profusely illustrated with photographs, colour profiles, and detailed drawings. It describes in detail the official paint schemes, the variations often seen in practice, and the individual and unit markings applied to tanks, armoured cars, lorries and smaller vehicles, and towed guns. The series is invaluable for military enthusiasts and modellers, making sense of a very confusing topic!

Format Softback
Pages 160
Publication Date Available

illustrated throughout, much in colour

Width (mm) 210
Height (mm) 297
Dust Jacket No
ISBN 978-83-61421-24-5


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