East Anglia Books

011116 - WINGS OF EMPIRE: The Forgotten Wars of the Royal Air Force, 1919-1939


By Barry Renfrew

At the end of the First World War, British power in the colonies was at an all-time low. That was until a ragtag band of visionaries, including Winston Churchill and T.E. Lawrence, proposed that the aeroplane, the wonder weapon of the age, could save the empire. Using the radical strategy of air control, the RAF tried to subdue vast swathes of the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Wings of Empire is a compelling account of the colonial air campaigns that saw a generation of young airmen take to the skies to battle against warlords, jihadists and hostile tribes. For the first time ever, this book chronicles the full story of the RAF’s most extraordinary conflict. 


Format Hardback
Pages 288 plus 32pp mono
Publication Date December 2015
Pictures 53 b/w illustrations
Width (mm) 156
Height (mm) 234
Dust Jacket -
Price £25

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